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Posts posted by holaa.

  1. 28 minutes ago, skyrocket said:

    This would require some testing, because afaik the world starts disappearing if there are too many vehicles in one area.. But unsure if it's to do with the script or just straight up an engine limitation.


    Texture lose is caused by rage when there are too many vechicles spawned in one place 

  2. 1 minute ago, Redz said:

    You ajail them for 2 hours then CK them, what's the point the player would just not play on that account anymore. You're making it seem like we won't be punishing for subpar RP when the situation arises. But forcing CK on someone is not the smartest thing to do. 


    you ajail them for 2 hours

    they get released

    they avoid ic consquences and actual jail which goes on their IC record 

    PD/SD wasted their time 

    the player loses nothing








  3. 18 minutes ago, IdleStacks said:

    have fun playing there then? tf


    this is just proof that this shit doesn't actually do anything but get people to spend money on namechanges, or else it wouldn't happen at all


    he lost his character, he lost the ability to RP with the people he rp'd with due to terrible IC decisions  ???? 



  4. 4 minutes ago, Dann2000 said:

    I agree with this, I think doing stupid stuff without giving any value to your character's life puts you on the risk of getting said character CKed, while it's very situational, I agree with having a NO-FEAR RP rule, being at gun point for example during a robbery with a gun on your forehead and then you just out of nowhere pull a gun and shoot back and die, that's a CK if you ask me.
    People also tend to make fodder characters for the sake of baiting cops or joining wars or just messing around with people with nothing to lose, it gets very annoying for everyone involved around them.


    That's not how it really works around here, people who do dumb stuff in PD and get CKed don't have to go through anything over and over again, what simply happens is their character dies, they namechange and carry on from where they stopped, it's just a learning lesson for them to not do what got them brutally murdered again.

    -In conclusion having a forced CK rule puts more value into reconsidering your decisions before doing stupid stuff.


    pd/sd on other servers dont start at same place but they don't get kicked out of the faction

  5. 2 hours ago, Redz said:

    As an admin, i don't think we should be forcing CK's but asking players to value their characters more and not treat it like you have multiple lives. However subpar RP leading to deaths whether it be shooting their way out of arrest etc, we definitely won't be condoning it. 


    4 hours ago, felis said:

    This discussion is pointless really considering the fact a single NC costs 2 dollars. I personally know at least five to six players who cannot afford it.


    Let's just play and have fun - PK is still a thing (for legal roleplayers, exempli gratia - a detectives was killed during an investigation, by the suspect of course, he shall not continue the investigation) and life imprisonment for illegal roleplayers (a detective was working on a case for three months, to avoid simply killing the suspect and acting like nothing happened after they respawn, their character will be imprisoned for life).


    If you don't force CKs on dumb shit nobody is going to value their characters it's going to cause more unrealistic stuff going down than it will do good. this isn't samp anymore, times change and you gotta adapt it's a norm on English txt RP servers on here, be it present past or future 


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