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Can we bring back the old playerbase count?


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47 minutes ago, Executioner69 said:

No because for 3 reasons:

1) SAMP is dead, don't argue. It's been dead since 2020 and it's BLEEDING players, we can't just revive it. It's a 2004 game.


2) Because tbh? People already mourned LSRP's demise and moved on to GTA:W where they established themselves in a server that has more players and more rp opportunities, they won't just ''come back''. You been mourned, people cried on your grave and then you suddenly be revived, obviously most of the people that you met/been with before won't come back to you because they already moved on, they cried on your grave and moved on. You died for them, they already moved on to GTA:W and other commuties. LSRP died, revived as a GTA:V server, died again and brought back to life as a SAMP server that is on the verge of dying. What you could've done is you could've idk... Used the publicity gained from the SAMP server to promote the RAGEMP server and fix the issues in it that caused players to leave it so that way, if people left the SAMP server. They can go to the RAGEMP server y'know?


When I saw LSRP being revived in SAMP, I thought this was nothing but a publicity stunt to bring back interest to LSRP as a whole so they can boost up the RAGEMP's server playerbase. But looks like the SAMP server became the primary one and the GTA:V server was technically abandoned, you should've just used the publicity gained to promote the RAGEMP server and recoup some of the lost players who left your community.


3) I don't know why? But I find LSRP kinda boring, to be honest. I've been doing my best to enjoy the server but honestly dude? LSRP is fucken boring, man. I played GTA:W and the map is even emptier there but even driving around in GTA V feels more fun than driving in GTASA, you can literally do nothing but customizing your character and driving around in cars in gta:v '' HEAVY '' rp servers and you'll never get bored. Here in LSRP however? Ehh... The server is more strict, more serious, forces rp onto your face which is in my opinion. Makes it a bit too boring, I would love to have scripted jobs so people can make money without being forced into filing virtual job applications and go on job hunting IN A GAME to be able to buy a fucken bike to rp as a damn biker, I would love if the script was more advanced and not just a barebones 2007 script with some modification throw in it, I would like to... I don't know, I just don't find LSRP fun.


I've played GTA:C, I've played RCRP, I've GTA:World. I played all of that, LSRP is the only server that I didn't enjoy as much.



Could just be me tbh

No offense, but it is you. No matter where you go, you get in trouble for the same stuff and it boils down to your attitude and then throwing a fit when not getting your way. I wouldn't be blaming the server for your own faults which you tend to do, A LOT. But, I won't get into it any further, I just found this reply very humerous to say the least given your entire history here (and every where you go) thus far (and it's not good). LS:RP has it's problems but you certainly aren't the person to be ragging on it as you do and then expect you'll get places after.

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41 minutes ago, Caomhnoir said:

No offense, but it is you. No matter where you go, you get in trouble for the same stuff and it boils down to your attitude and then throwing a fit when not getting your way. I wouldn't be blaming the server for your own faults which you tend to do, A LOT. But, I won't get into it any further, I just found this reply very humerous to say the least given your entire history here (and every where you go) thus far (and it's not good). LS:RP has it's problems but you certainly aren't the person to be ragging on it as you do and then expect you'll get places after.

fair enough, I will take the L on this one.


Still, I'm gunning for my opinion. I didn't enjoy the server, found it boring which caused me to act the way I did.

and btw, none wrong with my attitude 

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On 12/11/2024 at 10:00 PM, Eren said:

Legal Faction Management


I know this mostly focused on PD/SD, but GOV has had this problem since LS-RP:V initially launched, to this day its still full of inactive leadership who do nothing to promote roleplay. It's to the point where traditionally government related jobs like public maintenance, road works, dock related matters and even towing/impounding are all being done by either private businesses or a different unrelated legal faction because players are sick to death of these legal factions not doing anything.


On 12/11/2024 at 10:00 PM, Eren said:

instead of promoting them to run and help out, we're seeing them be supressed and ostracised to keep them at bay in order to safeguard certain individuals positions.


Again, I know this was mostly about PD/SD, but there have been several instances that I experienced first hand, trying to lead a legal faction to greatness only to be shutdown by inactive leadership forcing me to ask for permission to change anything, locking certain script-permissions behind only their role so they are "necessary" only to be inactive for weeks at a time and not get back to me regarding the above mentioned permission. I'm sick and tired of the excuse of "I do work outside of the game", these people nine times out of ten do absolutely nothing and are a waste of a very important role within the community.


The most important thing for the community is to start heavily enforcing inactivity requirements for every single role that can affect other people in the server, ie, server staff, faction leadership, FTC, LFM, Mapping, Modding, every single team. I have been pushing this point for almost a year at this point and I'm glad to an extent it is being echoed by the wider community and that people are getting fed up and want change.



Edited by kaibr
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Only way it has a chance is with activity from those in leadership positions, it needs to come from the top. If leads are inactive, why would game admins log in? If people log on early morning and there's no admins on and they're getting consistently DMed, why would they continue logging on? Too many people are in positions still, not because they want to help, but because they want to be seen as important and like having that swanky rank next to their name. I think it's way too late to fix this personally which is why I vacated my positions and let someone else give it a go. We'd all love to see the server thrive like in its prime but I'm not sure it's possible and even if it was, I'm not sure the right people are in leadership positions to make it a reality.


ily jungsaeo 🧡

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8 hours ago, matt said:


I’m not even gonna feed may I be excused idiotic and false claims and accusations nor do I need to but whatever 😂


First I do not AFK in SEB on aduty, just because you have seen me be tabbed for a 10-15 min period that does not mean that I’m farming my activity. Not that this cannot be proven by a Lead+ considering the server DB knows exactly when I play (even more funny that you say I AFK all day yet you wont see me online before 9pm. As for me given a position that I applied for and ES clearly deemed me capable for, not sure where the issue lies based on the fact of what I did (clearly my superiors saw what I did when I did it and how you did it). And just a little friendly fact check, I was not given control of SEB because there was no one else, its because I built it alongside Nature and Unlawful and the leadership appreciated my contribution (the competent leadership from before).


Not sure why you have it in for me, is it because I held you back and put your application on hold because you blatantly broke some rules and skipped punishment by resigning or whatever.. Whatever the case is, it’s starting to get rather concerning as you clearly have some obsession with giving me a bad name lol.


matt x


You're proving my point of being completely aloof, useless and inactive. Here's your friend telling me your "hold" was removed, but lie some more about how I resigned to skip punishment. (Also, let me point out that I have no problem with unlawfulact. He's a decent guy who could've done great things with SEB if only he had the courage to remove inept people like you.)


I don't have a personal problem with you, matt. You're quite frankly comparable to a background character. But it's the fact that your friends prop you up to positions you have no business being in that creates a problem. Azuko proved this too. He wrote a whole manifesto about how you should've been promoted, but couldn't, in multiple replies, give reasons for it.


And yes, you managed to create great records at SEB. You and your team leaders managed to get the team wiped more times in a week than it had ever been since Bear and co. made SEB. The only person who tried to stand up against the piss poor track record of your leadership (Duckling) resigned really quickly after seeing you guys' incompetence. Anytime he tried to bring up a valid point, he was quickly shut down because Mikey! Mikey hasn't been in SASD for over a year, yet you guys never failed to drag his name in anytime someone pointed out that you got your guys killed. "Yeah, we got everyone killed but this isn't Mikey era. We're not toxic, guys! We don't want to be toxic like Mikey! So what if this is the tenth time I got my team killed?!" Your whole "competent leadership" was based around being anti-Mikey.


My mind is still boggled by how you guys can continue to look at SEB and say it's completely fine. You can almost never field a team to respond to callouts. And when you do, you almost always get wiped out. A tactical team, which is supposed to be the last shield of defense, getting wiped out in every other callout. Make that make sense to me!


Also, if ES had deemed you capable, you would've been a Commander by now. But, instead, you were served with a demotion... to Lieutenant. Enjoy! Oh, and what happened when you tried to transfer to LSPD Metro? The great "savior of SEB" couldn't even manage to land a regular position in LSPD SWAT? Shocking!! They just don't see your greatness, bro — only your friends do!!


P.S. To LFM, giving any of these guys leadership of SASD is a silly thing to do. At this point, just shut down the faction and merge it with LSPD. 

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  • Senior Admin
4 hours ago, Executioner69 said:

fair enough, I will take the L on this one.


Still, I'm gunning for my opinion. I didn't enjoy the server, found it boring which caused me to act the way I did.

and btw, none wrong with my attitude 

You definitely have this viewpoint due to your own behaviour as @Caomhnoir pointed out. You would’ve had a lot more fun if you didn’t self immolate every time something minutely bad happened, burning every bridge in the process.

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  • Management

I'm happy to actually see constructive and actionable feedback on this thread. This is also not a place to squash your personal beefs, so we'll moderate this thread more if it's not pertinent to a bigger picture discussion or if it's flat out inflammatory.

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Feel like when some staff came back to the server on launch, especially some admins, ifm etc, they came back for that feeling of power but were quickly demotivated when they realised returning players weren't 13 years old anymore and actually had demands for success and an ability to be a voice for concern.


End of the day, SAMP is old, the player base has potential to grow but nothing crazy. The player base was huge on relaunch due to nostalgia and people wanting to DM for fun, that was it. What you're left with now is those who can commit some time to role-playing and those who want to create story lines instead of DMing/breaking rules. 


If you want to raise the player base:

  • Fix marketing, it is the key to growth. I know content creators was brought up somewhere, do it, Tiktok whatever
  • Incentivise new players, they're joining a server were people are 10+ years head of them..
  • Revamp IFM and actually listen to illegal factions. Obviously people are going to be demotivated when they've asked for mapping that never happens yet PD/SD get whatever they need (mostly staff too, funny enough)
  • Make activity a key in gaining official status, and keeping it. This should be looked at monthly. Too many official factions with no activity. Give someone else some time to shine, even if it does end up being a short run. I'd much rather see a new active short term faction gain official status, regardless of how many days they've been around, than a dormant official faction doing nothing. 
  • Listen to your community. How many times has a thread like this been made and we get a comment here and there, a reply here and there and nothing changes. If people aren't up to dedicating some time and effort to helping the server excel, please replace them with people who are. 
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45 minutes ago, Mmartin said:

I'm happy to actually see constructive and actionable feedback on this thread. This is also not a place to squash your personal beefs, so we'll moderate this thread more if it's not pertinent to a bigger picture discussion or if it's flat out inflammatory.

I completely agree Martin, its been refreshing to see. The reactions to my post show people care. The solutions are actually fairly simple, it may mean some difficult conversations need to take place but its worth it and this community is definitely supportive of change and want to see it thrive. 


We need everyone to chip in with their opinions, everyone needs to be heard.



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I want to start by thanking everyone who has taken the time to share their feedback. It’s clear that many of you are frustrated and upset with the current state of the server, including myself, and I want to assure you that your voices are being heard. Your concerns are completely valid and I'm going to try everything in my power to get these actioned. These kinds of topics often spiral out of control and end up being locked or archived, which only adds more fuel to the fire; that won’t be the case here.

As many of you know, or don't, I was recently appointed Head of Player Experience for the RAGE server. While my role is focused on RAGE, I understand that the issues raised by the community affect both servers and I want to make it clear that I’m working to improve things for everyone. I’m here to prove to you that I’m the right person for the job and that your trust is not misplaced.

One thing that has bothered me for the past few months is the leadership team. It’s no secret that some individuals in positions of power haven’t been contributing and that has a direct impact on everyone’s experience. If someone isn’t fulfilling their role, they won’t be in that position anymore and I will push for it to be actioned. I have no patience for inactivity or complacency. My priority is pushing for the right people in roles who will make a real impact and bring about meaningful change, such as the Illegal Faction Team.


Another issue that bothers me is the toxicity within the community. I know many of you feel that certain individuals are receiving too much attention, creating a negative environment. A quick glance through #main, and you can see it for yourself; this needs to change. I want to see an environment where constructive feedback and healthy discussions can thrive, not one where negativity dominates. I’m committed to addressing toxic behaviour and creating a more respectful and supportive community moving forward. Imperium's original post hits the hammer on the nail and I do not blame him or Cake for leaving whatsoever.


While my role is focused on RAGE, I want to stress that SAMP is still a core part of LS-RP’s legacy. It’s where we started and it holds a special place in all our hearts. I’m not going to forget about SAMP and I will continue to work to ensure both communities feel valued.


Another point is the diminishing roleplay experience, particularly around street-level gang roleplay and high-stakes interactions that once made LS-RP stand out. I agree with you, those elements need to return. I’m committed to working with whoever needs be to get the ball rolling. Everyone deserves the opportunity to help shape the server into something that feels real and engaging.


I know there’s a lot that needs fixing, and while I can’t promise everything will be resolved overnight, I want to assure you that I am fully committed to improving both servers. The community deserves to feel heard, respected, and valued, and I will make sure that’s exactly what we provide moving forward.


I want to remind everyone in the staff team that without this community, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Please feel free to reach out to me directly on Discord if you want to discuss anything further, I’m always available and I can assure you that I won’t ignore your messages.

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There needs to be active marketing to get the server out to the masses. There is definite potential for the player base to grow, I mean the foreign communities out there still thrive.


The admin team needs a complete overhaul. Frankly, for the player base as it stands, there are WAY to many divisions/teams. This is directly contributing to the appalling response time to applications/requests on the forums. One person leaves the staff team, it can throw an entire section into disarray until someone comes by to pickup the pieces. Inactive staff should be removed, and a recruitment drive for new staff members should be undertaken. There are definitely people in the community who would be willing to take up the mantle of responsibility to ensure LS-RP survives, and thrives. 




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Mark Bently


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I'll speak briefly on marketing since it was brought up. We have a plan in place for marketing the server. LS-RP has always been development-oriented, and developers, through no fault of their own, often do not focus on its appearance. Development is highly valued in LS-RP, and in the past, I believe marketing was not prioritized. I've seen this at work too: their primary purpose is to deliver a functional product. However, @Heliushas ensured that marketing is a core part of the strategy moving forward. That said, I agree that an emphasis needs to be placed on marketing the product, its features, and the unique aspects that set it apart. We have a concept and strategies. While not everything is fully worked out—particularly the assignments—a basic plan is in place to target audiences, including current and former players. 

Edited by Consistency
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LSRP’s decline in activity isn’t some grand mystery. It is the inevitable result of poor management, ignoring player concerns, and flat-out mishandling the gang community, which has always been the heart of the server. Let’s be honest, the gang community has been treated like an afterthought. IFM and staff have dragged their feet on critical changes, leaning on flimsy excuses like “holidays” to explain months of inaction. Meanwhile, illegal roleplayers have waited endlessly for mapping, updates, and systems that never seem to arrive, while PD and SD get everything handed to them on a silver platter. The disrespect is real, and it is driving people away.


IFT serves no real purpose other than to slow down progress with unnecessary bureaucracy. Instead of empowering active illegal factions, it has become an obstacle. Replacing it with a council of active, experienced illegal roleplayers who understand the needs of the community could make a real difference. This council would advocate for the factions that keep the server alive and ensure their concerns are addressed without endless delays. The server must also focus on faction activity, rewarding those who are contributing while replacing dormant groups with newer, eager ones. Monthly reviews of faction status would prevent stagnation and keep the IRP scene going. 


Marketing is another major issue that has been overlooked for far too long. LSRP needs to adopt a modern approach to reach new players. Campaigns on platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and collaborations with content creators would attract fresh faces. New players stepping into a server where others have over a decade of experience ahead of them need proper incentives to feel like they belong.


Players are not asking for the impossible. They are asking for leadership to show respect and support for the community that keeps the server running. The gang community cannot thrive under a system that ignores it. If management is not willing to adapt and address these concerns, it is time for new leadership to step in and make the changes the server desperately needs. The problem is not the age of SAMP; it is the refusal to evolve with the times and value the players who make this community what it is.

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