Major Update 1.7
Hello and welcome to another Sunday, I hope you're all doing well. This major update features some stuff for everyone and unfortunately doesn't feature everything we wanted to do, but that's what minor updates are for, right?
Here's the changelog:
- Added armoured car transports and robberies
- Added business types that will buy certain expensive items for a cut (pawn shops)
- Added the ability to clean cash that was stolen from an armoured car in certain pawn shops for a roughly 60% cut
- Added ability for ATMs to be operated by companies and set a usage fee
- Added a $5000 cap to the cash inside an ATM to encourage frequent refills
- Added company uniforms
- Added camera object with 2 lenses available (default lens or add-on super lens)
- Added ability for larger lenses to see /ame text from further away than normal
- Added bank property type
- Added vehicle suspension mods (/offersuspension)
- Added more logging to use of certain commands and features
- Added ability to change nametag font via /settings
- Added inventory capacities
- Added news broadcasting and live interviews for companies with the "News Broadcaster" contract
- Added the ability for Testers to revive people that die to bugs if there are no admins in-game
- Added the ability to change celcius in the HUD to fahrenheit via /settings
- Added the ability to disable the temperature and compass in the HUD via /settings
- Added a favourites menu to /gps
- Added showing open businesses to /gps
- Added new large data processor to fix inventory and command list bugs, and other large data-related bugs
- Added the ability for ATMs to be created inside businesses
- Added the ability for admins to default loans and remove cars from players
- Added the ability to add new radio stations in-game (no policy yet on how to request one)
- Added hospital interior type
- Added the ability to toggle off news chats in /settings
- Added the ability to sell vehicles back to a dealership that sells the same vehicle model for a loss
- Added functional inventories for company, faction vehicles
- Added "broadcast equipment" furniture tag to allow people to broadcast from properties
- Added Gruppe Sechs (security) clothing mods
- Added motorcycle club clothing mods
- Added company duty system (/startshift) with pay adjustable by company owners
- Added news vehicles
- Added more security company vehicles
- Changed vehicle loans to only take 1 payment per week, even if you missed the previous payment
- Changed faction uniform loading to allow multiple factions to use the same uniform with different names
- Changed duty pay to not count when tabbed out now that auto-AFK is disabled
- Fixed /afk not disabling AFK status
- Fixed vehicle loan payments not being taken
- Fixed /awardcontract notice to include expiry date, not just time
- Fixed admin-spawned weapons not having an ammo type despite having ammo
- Fixed inventory infinite loading bug
- Fixed command list not loading due to overflow
- Fixed inventories freezing sometimes when an error occurs (like a frisked player walking away)
- Fixed being able to see charges for state codes you do not have access to in /mdc
- Fixed not being able to charge people with a crime in /mdc
- Fixed inventories not returning after being paroled
- Fixed parole not saving after being remanded at least once
- Fixed weathers not setting correctly
- Fixed muler tow truck not being able to tow vehicles
- Fixed positioning of large vehicles on tow trucks
- Fixed vehicle interaction constantly being on after tabbing out
- Fixed animation sync in some edge cases where players were not streamed
- Fixed binding the ALT key in /binds
- Fixed some graffiti sync when dealing with preloaded movies
- Fixed object selector not selecting far away furniture objects properly
- Fixed list modal not updating the "confirm" button when a list option is selected
- Fixed vehicle mod bone selection when 2 different mod types use the same bone
- Fixed cruise control setting the speed on others' clients instead of own client
- Fixed vehicle window state not syncing correctly
- Fixed vehicle extras not syncing correctly in some cases
- Fixed vehicle blinkers, engine and liveries not syncing when the vehicle was not streamed in
As before, @wdmcnr covered the Community Update side in his latest blog post, go check it out if you haven't already!
Follow us on Instagram at @lsrpgta and on TikTok at @lsrpgaming
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