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SA-MP Game Update 13.4.0




 Hello everyone! This game update is packed with some highly requested features, such as the train returning to the server, spawning furniture anywhere in the open world, transporting bicycles, bikes, and forklifts on other vehicles, add furniture to your vehicles, picking a vehicle door with a mini game and 3 new civilian skins for anyone to use!


We've been hard at work bringing you these features and we're not stopping here, we have lots more in the works so just stay tuned!



The train returns to Los Santos!

The train can be observed passing through every train station in San Andreas with Lenny in the front, keeping the passengers safe as always!




Spawn furniture anywhere!

You can now use /spawn to create furniture anywhere, drag a couch out or host a BBQ, anything is possible!




Bring your bicycle with you on your trip!

You can also attach your bicycle to your car! Bring it on your trip across the city or go explore the mountains using /attachto!




Hook your forklift up to your trailer!

You can now use /attachto while sitting in a forklift to hook it up to the back of your trailer or to the bed of your DFT-30!




Don't worry if your bike has broken down...

You can now also tow bikes on the Yosemite, DFT-30, or Pony! Call a mechanic and ask them to bring their flatbed! Attach bikes using /attach, /attachcar, or /attachto!




Pick the lock with an actual pin!

You can now actually pick the pins to a vehicle's doors, remember where each pin should be and test your way forwards! If you fail, you'll have to start all over again...





Keep the filth out of your car...

Vehicle furniture are here with /v furniture and /v buyfurniture! You can now add furniture to your vehicles, throw in a pile of garbage on a seat and now law enforcement can't see your guns in plain view!




Or tune your dreams away!

You can also throw on some spoilers and other modifications to make any vehicle of yours, unique!




Octane Springs got a revamp as well!

Thanks to @ROZE, Octane Springs has gotten a new revamp as well!




And finally, 3 new civilian skins.

We have created and added 3 new civilian skins that are available to anyone, check them out on the UCP!





And finally, here's the complete game update change log:


Add Lenny the train back
Add bike and forklift towing for certain vehicles (/attach, /attachcar, /attachto)
Add /spawn to allow players to create furniture in the open world
Add a smell of marijuana to players walking around someone who has recently smoked a joint
Add a white cigar overlapping the original cigar object
Add /trydoor and /checkdoor aliases to /doorcheck and add hints to the house entrances
Add /swapslot to switch the channel between two radio slots
Add /lite command to allow LEO factions to drop their nitestick, spray can, and tear gas at once
Add new Octane Springs mapping
Add /drunk animation
Add 3 new civilian skins
Add helpful notes to /fixr and /stopr (/fixr restarts your stream, /stopr stops your stream)
Add a system to disable commands in case of bug abuses
Add server sided health to make health hacks unusable
Add anti quick swapping to prevent pressing Q or E to reload without the animation
Add /place coordinates being saved after setting it once
Add a company-wide OOC chat using /com
Add a new lock picking mini game for vehicle doors
Change all unscramble words to new ones
Change animations to only have a timeout of 1 second rather than 5 seconds
Change /setwpackage to allow for an implicit slot
Remove radar blip for car alarms
Fix businesses not accepting cargo despite wanting cargo
Fix /househelp and /bizhelp being outdated
Fix bug to allow players to buy a Taxi when not on duty
Fix bug with /relog allowing you to force crash to stash a weapon and then return
Fix admins on duty not being invincible to fall damage
Fix /testerstats for testers
Fix /tlow playing an animation
Fix TEMS armour not being reset when going off duty
Fix tactical /favuniform not working
Fix issue with server bans being issued due to desync
And some smaller behind the scene bug fixes and patches



Edited by Cake

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