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SA-MP Game Update 13.3.19




Hiya folks, this one is more of a quick Quality of Life update while we're hard at work on other features that we think you'll love, so don't expect anything big this time around! Notably however the taxi system was revamped to allow more "part time Uber"-style taxis, meaning people can go on taxi duty in their personal cars, even if they already have a job and a side job, and pick up calls for cash whenever they have a spare 10 minutes.


- Adds new modernised taxi system
  - Changed taxi job to taxi license that persists through /leavejob
  - /taxi can be used in personal cars
  - Taxi license can be held even with a job and a sidejob
  - Taxi notifications now beep and show street location of the caller
  - Taxi fare is now between 250-650 per mile
- Adds new accessible houses to East Beach
- Adds new check to stop players from dying in car crashes   
- Adds ability to /prison and /remand in DCR buildings 
- Adds check for player being brutally wounded before allowing them to get up 
- Adds adjusting sentences and remand arrest reports 
- Fixes beeps for tester alerts going to nearby players   
- Fixes radio messages not showing in car 
- Fixes /meg not showing in businesses/apartments 
- Fixes radio message showing empty lines
- Fixes /inmates showing parolees 
- Fixes invalid condition causing company system to catastrophically break


  • CJ 1
  • Clap 2
  • Thumbs 2
  • Strong 1
  • Love 18


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