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SA-MP Game Update 13.3.15






Even though the temperature (at least here in Europe) wouldn't let you think that, summer is coming to a close. We're all slowly returning back to work and school from holidays and time off, though the same can't be said about the development team which has been busy bringing yet another update to our gamemode.


Although it's been less than a week since we added five new developers to the team, they've already been hard at work and I can proudly say that the vast majority of today's game update has been prepared by them! Today we're adding quite a few fixes, QOL updates and changes that have been requested for quite a while.


13.3.15 change log is as follows:

- Increase max. chips in poker outside casino to $250,000
- Adds /to (+ variations), phone-compatible /me and /do, and /lastame
- Added /opencell, /lockcell and /cellmove aliases for QOL
- Add info message to /sellhouse
- Add fines lookup page to the MDC
- Add error message when there's fewer than 3 players at poker table
- Changed message when calling 1-800-BLBRD while the system is pending rework.
- Reduce time for /helpup to 15 seconds from 120 seconds
- Removed unused plugins & code to improve gamemode stability
- Addressed server crash
- Improve driver's license exam leniency and fix text messages
- Fixed some language errors/inconsistencies
- Fixed typos in bank statements
- Fix area code inconsistencies with payphone adverts
- Eject player if drive-bying without a driver
- Fix fines amount formatting
- Increase maximum impound time to reflect the penal code
- Fix vehicle not showing up as impounded in MDC
- Allow unloading fish from the boat to avoid taking health damage from physics bug
- Save furniture door lock state on reloads
- Fix /tv news not recognizing televisions
- Remove outstanding crimes when a player has been remanded
- Add reason to impounds and add impound history
- Allow truckers to use airport gates during fuel/vehicle delivery
- Fix /uniform for correctional officers
- Disabled /harvest temporarily


There's more where that came from as we weren't able to fit everything into one update, so you can expect more updates to follow soon.


Happy Gaming

- Martin

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  • Lead Admin

this banner is the most professional to date, and i love our mascot /taichi guy getting the spotlight  

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  • Lead Admin
16 minutes ago, Wrld999 said:

/tolow & /tos is needed bruv.


Do you mean /shoutto and /lowto bruv.


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